Mike was appointed by the Governor to serve on the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission (MHTC), where he served four-and-a-half years, including as its Chairman. During that time Missouri’s road system went from 3rd worst to 5th best in the country.
I Want to Help Mike! I'd Like to help by: Putting up a Yard Sign. Endorsing Mike. Donating to Mike. Volunteering on the Campaign. Putting a bumper sticker on my car. Submit. Citizens to Elect Mike Kehoe, P.O. Box 105527 Jefferson City, MO 65110.
“Veterans need a voice in the Governors Office, and Mike Kehoe is that voice. He has always stood with Missouri service members and their families, and will continue to as our next governor, Mike understands the sacrifices of those who serve, …
Farmers & Ranchers for Kehoe Co-Chairs “It’s critical that we have a friend of agriculture in the Governor’s Office, and Mike has always stood with Missouri farmers and ranchers. With decades of experience as a small business owner and first-generation farmer, Mike is the only candidate in this race that Missouri farm and ranch families ...