总理 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
总理(英語對應詞: Prime Minister、Premier、Chief Minister、Chancellor 等)或首相是指一个國家或地區的政府首脑,负责統領政府的行政工作,可通用于君主制或共和制 國體。
首席部長 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
首席部長或首席廳長(英語: Chief Minister ),在一些地方簡稱首長(CM),是國家一級自治行政區(例如:海外屬地、聯邦制國家的州、省、自治區等)以及歷史上殖民地的政府首腦,多見於議會制政府,在當地政府内的地位類似議會制國家的首相或總理,以及 ...
Chief minister - Wikipedia
A chief minister is an elected or appointed head of government of – in most instances – a sub-national entity, for instance an administrative subdivision or federal constituent entity.
首席部长 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
首席部长 或 首席厅长 (英语: Chief Minister),在一些地方简称 首长 (CM),是国家一级自治行政区(例如: 海外属地 、 联邦制 国家的 州 、 省 、 自治区 等)以及历史上 殖民地 的 政府首脑,多见于 议会制 政府,在当地政府内的地位类似议会制国家的 首相 或 总理,以及一些其他地方(例如 加拿大 的省、 澳大利亚 的州等)的“省长”、“州长”(Premier)等。 此外, 英国 国内经 权力下放 而创设的 苏格兰 、 威尔士 及 北爱尔兰 自治政府的地方最高行政长官称首席部 …
首席部长 - 百度百科
首席部长(Chief Minister),简称“CM”,常见于 英国 、 印度 、 澳大利亚 、 马来西亚 和 缅甸 。 例如:英国 苏格兰 首席部长,澳大利亚 北领地 首席部长,印度各邦的首席部长,马来西亚各州的首席部长等。
List of current Indian chief ministers - Wikipedia
In the Republic of India, a chief minister is the head of government of each of the twenty-eight states and three of the eight union territories. According to the Constitution of India, at the state level, the governor is de jure head, but de facto executive authority rests with the chief minister.
Chief Minister vs. Prime Minister - What's the Difference? - This …
The Chief Minister is the head of the government in a state or province, while the Prime Minister is the head of the government at the national level. The Chief Minister is responsible for the administration and governance of the state, including implementing policies and …
Chief minister - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A chief minister is the elected head of government of a sub-national or constituent federal state. Leaders with this role are usually elected in India or Australia. [1]
Chief Ministers| National Portal of India
National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations. It has been a popular source of information to a wide range of stakeholders - from citizens, to government, business and Indian Diasporas.
Chief minister (India) - Wikipedia
In India, a chief minister is the elected head of government of each state out of the 28 [1] states and sometimes a union territory (UT). Currently, only the UTs of Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir and Puducherry have serving chief ministers.