The American Meteor Society adds that the Lyrids usually lack persistent trains but can produce "fireballs." A fireball "is ...
Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
Mark your calendars, stargazers! April brings two spectacular meteor shows to southern Ontario, offering prime opportunities ...
Karachi's night sky lit up as a meteor blazed through, leaving residents in awe and social media buzzing with videos. Many ...
CCTV footage has captured the moment a shooting star flew across the night sky over Hapton. The star was spotted on Tuesday ...
Karachi residents were treated to a spectacular celestial display as meteor showers streaked across the night sky, creating ...
While celestial distractions are never hard to come by on clear evenings, meteor showers offer a different kind of temptation that encourages investment in a good blanket or chair and permission ...
The CJRB Lyrid’s materials, design and intentionality offer much more than you might expect from the price tag.
In a spectacular celestial display, a meteorite in Karachi illuminated the night sky, creating stunning trails of lights on ...
WLKY viewer Jody Hill sent a video that his dashcam took while he was driving for Lyft around 1 a.m. near the news station. If you look in the upper center of the video, you'll see a meteor hit the ...
The rising popularity of doorbell cameras has created a whole new genre of shocking moments captured on video, including many ...