A Democrat and a Republican are vying for a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives in a special election that could ...
Student Government Board announced election results for president, vice president, and board member positions and voted to ...
New paper in Science Advances from Shiro Kuriwaki, Jeff Lewis,, and Michael Morse. Abstract: After an election, should election officials release a copy of each anonymous ballot? Some policy-makers ...
Three justices signaled that the challenge to the minimum wage law may be better suited to be decided in a lower-level courtroom before the Missouri Supreme Court is asked to ...
WINCHESTER - Karen Bolognese, current chair of the Winchester School Committee, will be running for re-election again with ...
Incumbent Jupiter Mayor Jim Kuretski won another three-year term in office, defeating Council Member Cameron May by 12% out ...
Congressional Republicans are pushing legislation that would make sweeping changes to voter registration, including requiring ...
Also, according to a town study, returning the Exeter River to a free-flowing state by removing the Pickpocket Dam would lead ...
Hampton voters elected two Select Board members and a new town clerk. They also approved the town budget and new contracts ...
Broward County voters cast thousands of ballots Tuesday, electing and re-electing candidates and weighing in on government matters across five municipalities.
Any momentary market gains boosted by Trump’s return to the Oval Office have since vanished. The S&P 500 has lost 6.4 percent ...