Barry Larkin says MLB commissioner Rob Manfred believes Orlando is an intriguing candidate for a baseball franchise.
2025 / The Orlando City Baseball Dreamers ("Orlando Dreamers") announced that legendary Cincinnati Reds' Hall-of-Famer Barry Larkin has joined the effort to bring Major League Baseball to Orlando.
That effort got more attention Wednesday with the announcement of a new front man: Hall of Fame shortstop Barry Larkin, who held a news conference in Orlando next to renderings of a $1.7 billion ...
With uncertainty over the Tampa Bay Rays’ future in St. Petersburg, Orlando is pushing for an MLB team. The Orlando Dreamers have secured land and unveiled stadium plans, positioning the city ...
Pat Williams’ dream is not dead yet. Nor are his Dreamers. In fact, the Orlando Dreamers — Williams’ late-life effort to bring Major League Baseball to Central Florida — are alive and well ...